Duty lawyers
Duty lawyers help people who are attending a court hearing and require legal assistance on the day. Help provided by the duty lawyer depends on the person’s circumstances, and may include information, legal advice or representation in court. This service is free.
The NJC's duty lawyer service is provided by Victoria Legal Aid and Fitzroy Legal Service, and First Nations people have the option to engage the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service.
To request a duty lawyer, speak to the NJC Registry on the day of your hearing.
Pre-Hearing Clinic
If you, or someone you know in the City of Yarra, have an upcoming criminal matter, you are eligible to attend our Pre-Hearing Clinic for free legal advice prior to your court date.
Pre-Hearing Clinics are held on the third Monday of every month. Appointments are required. To book, call the NJC on 9087 5739.
Legal Help
If you are seeking legal assistance that is not related to a court matter, the following organisations may be able to help.
Victoria Legal Aid provides free legal information, advice and education across Victoria. You can contact the VLA Legal Helpline on 1300 792 387, or visit the VLA website for more information here (External link).
Community legal centres can also provide free legal information, advice and representation. They focus on working with people who are experiencing disadvantage, such as financial hardship, family violence, homelessness or discrimination.
If you reside in the City of Yarra, you may be eligible to seek legal assistance from Fitzroy Legal Service. You can contact FLS on 9419 3744, or visit their website for more information here (External link).
If you reside outside of the City of Yarra, you can locate your nearest community legal centre here (External link).
The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service is a community legal centre providing legal support and services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons. Visit the VALS website (External link) for more information about their support services.
The Law Institute of Victoria offers an online and telephone legal referral service. All law firms in the legal referral service provide free 30-minute enquiry interviews. This can help you determine the nature of the legal issue and estimated costs to proceed. Visit the LIV website (External link) for more information about their referral service.