Family Violence Intervention Order applications online 24/7

You can apply for a Family Violence Intervention Order by computer, smart phone, or tablet.  CLICK HERE TO APPLY (External link).

One of our registrars (court staff) will contact you the next working day using the method you request on your application to discuss the next steps.  

Safety features of the online application 

  • Password protection
  • Quick exit button close the application fast
  • Option to save and resume application when safe to do so
  • Instructions for how to use the internet safely

The link to this application will take you to the main Magistrates’ Court main website.  Come back to our site for more about how we can help you.

If in danger call 000 or go to your nearest police station.

How we help you

We take family safety very seriously.  Whether you or someone you know is the victim-survivors (applicant) or someone is taking out an order against you (you're the respondent) we have people to work with you.

Our services are free and confidential. And if we can't help you directly, we'll find the people who can.

Applicant/victim-survivor support

We have a wide range of support services, including:

  • Crisis accommodation referrals
  • Assistance with Centrelink and other welfare benefits
  • Financially counselling services
  • General counselling
  • Mental health support
  • Victims' of crime assistance
  • Legal information and representation 
  • Emotional support. 

Safety at the NJC

Your safety is important and we have a range of practices to keep you safe and comfortable.

  • Quiet Rooms at risk applicants use of rooms that only staff can access. You can meet your lawyers, and wait for your time in court behind secure doors.
  • Arriving/leaving we can organise to bring you in and out of the building safely. Talk to your lawyer or call us on 9948 8777 to organise this help.
  • Pre-court tour  In the lead-up to your scheduled time with us, you can tour the centre so you know what to expect, where to go, and who to talk to on the day. Call us on 9948 8777 to organise a tour.



LGBTIQ Family Violence Applicant Practitioner 

Our LGBTIQ Family Violence Applicant Practitioner provide:

  • Safety planning for you and your family
  • Discussion about immediate and ongoing support needs
  • Non-legal information about the court processes and outcomes
  • Assistance engaging with the court registrars, legal representatives, Victoria Police
  • Referrals to services (such as mental health services, family support services, financial counselling, accommodation services, LGBTIQ specific services)
  • Other general support in the lead up to and on the day of court
  • Some follow up support after court

LGBTIQ Family Violence Respondent Practitioner

Our LGBTIQ Family Violence Respondent Practitioner provide:

  • Safety planning for you and your family
  • Discussion about immediate and ongoing support needs
  • Non-legal information about the court processes and outcomes
  • Assistance engaging with the court registrars, legal representatives, Victoria Police
  • Referrals to services (such as behaviour change programs, mental health services, family support services, financial counselling, accommodation services, LGBTIQ specific services)
  • Other general support in the lead up to and on the day of court
  • Some follow up support after court

Contact us


Respondent support

If you, or someone you know, is the respondent, we provide:

  • Referrals to services including housing, addiction services, financial counselling, and men’s behaviour change programs
  • Referrals to behaviour change programs, including Caring Dads (External link)
  • Ongoing counselling and case management
  • Referrals to peer support networks
  • Information about the justice process 
  • Emotional support on the day of your hearing

Children and court

As welcoming as the NJC is, court is not the best environment for children. If you must bring your children, let us know ahead of time if you can.

Walking through our doors

We don't use 'airport security' so you won't be frisked. Our security team is low-key and greet people with a smile.


A gender neutral toilet is on Level 2 (top floor). 

Family safety services

Here's a list of excellent services. Many offer 24 hour a day support.

Understanding family violence 

Family violence (also known as domestic violence) is behaviour that creates fear, is controlling, and/or causes physical harm.

Family violence takes many forms.  The abusive person may be a husband, son, wife, daughter, brother, sister, de facto partner, other family member, including ex-partners/spouses.

And the person (or people) at the receiving end may be the wife, daughter, son, brother, sister, mother, father or any other member of the family.

The harms comes in many forms:

  • Physical assault, such as hitting, pushing, burning, choking, rough or neglectful care giving.
  • Sexual violence, such as forced to perform sexual acts.
  • Financial abuse, such as withholding money, food, medicine, property damage, or dowry-related abuse.
  • Social isolation, such as cutting people off from family, friends, work, community life.
  • Psychological/verbal abuse, such as threats, repeated put downs, name calling, sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic abuse, or abuse about physical capabilities.
  • Property damage, such as wrecking furniture, kicking in doors, breaking windows.

You do not have to be the direct target of these behaviors to be a victim.   Seeing, hearing or being affected can be just as bad as being the primary victim, and this is particularly true for children. 

We should all live in safe homes.

Phone us on 9087 5739 or visit us, or phone the police on 000, you or someone you know needs help.